Diving into KorticalChat: Setting up your ChatGPT chatbot

September 22, 2023


Hello and welcome to the KorticalChat community! By now, you've successfully set up your account, marking your initial step into the realm of new-generation AI chatbots. 

As we journey through this guide, we'll delve deeper into how you can set up, tailor, and refine your AI chatbot to perfection. Remember, it’s not just about getting it running; it’s about sculpting your chatbot to be a genuine representation of your brand and purpose.

So, as you gear up to build your custom ChatGPT AI chatbot, keep in mind the importance of defining its purpose. It's a foundational step that sets the stage for everything else, including the exciting customisation options we're about to explore together.

Setting Up Your ChatGPT AI Chatbot:

Before we delve into the intricacies of design or into specific functionalities, it's crucial to address a foundational question: What is the primary goal of my chatbot? What do you want your chatbot to achieve? Who is its intended audience? This clarity of purpose isn't just a preparatory step, it's the guiding force behind every subsequent decision.

AI systems are largely attributed to the quality of data and crystal clear clarity behind their instructions or prompts. Once your chatbot's mission is sharply defined, it's time to turn strategy into action with KorticalChat. 

For optimal setup of your KorticalChat chatbot, we've outlined the 5 key sections you'll encounter: 

Let's dive into each stage to ensure a successful setup.

5 stages to customising your chatbot

a. Set-up: Select AI Chatbot Type 

With KorticalChat, you've got two primary types of chatbots to build from, each aligned with specific business needs and customer interactions:

Knowledge Base Q&A Bot

Choose this type to train the chatbot on your website data. Think of this as constructing a state-of-the-art library, filled with the entire knowledge repository of your website. It's an archive that's not just stacked but meticulously catalogued. Whether it's fielding questions about your products, offering multilingual support, triaging leads, or curating content, it's like a knowledgeable librarian ready to assist visitors. 

Custom Chatbot

Choose this type if you would like to have full control over your chatbot. This is akin to designing a Swiss army knife, a multifaceted tool tailored to specific, often complex, user interactions. It's your in-house expert ready to assist in specific tasks like content creation, provide bespoke product support, conduct market research, and even train your staff. Note: if you choose this type, there is no option to train on your data, it is all built on the prompt you input. 

Not sure which chatbot to build? Check out these popular use cases to give you ideas. 

Select ChatGPT chatbot type
Select your chatbot type

Knowledge Base Q&A Chatbot Use Cases 

1. FAQ & Product Expert:

Trained in the website's content, KorticalChat becomes a dynamic encyclopedia of your business. From answering common queries to diving deep into product specifics, it serves as the front-line of user interaction, ensuring they receive instant, accurate answers.

2. Multilingual Customer Support Assistant:

For enterprises catering to a global clientele, KorticalChat can assist with answering FAQs in different languages, helping businesses communicate effectively across borders.

3. Lead Triage & Qualification Assistant:

More than just a knowledge repository, KorticalChat can be a sales assistant that actively understands user requirements, intelligently gauging the sales potential. Users with high purchase intent are seamlessly handed over to your sales team, ensuring you capitalise on every golden opportunity.

4. Content Navigator & Recommender:

With an extensive grasp of your site's content, KorticalChat becomes a trusted curator, guiding users to relevant articles, blog posts, or resources, enhancing user engagement.

Custom Chatbot Use Cases

1.Content Strategy & Writing Assistant:

Ideal for businesses with a content-driven approach, KorticalChat aids in generating relevant topic ideas, reviews drafted materials, and suggests social media posts, improvements, streamlining the content creation process.

2. Bespoke Product/Service Assistant:

Ensure your customers or clients have a seamless onboarding experience with KorticalChat providing step-by-step guidance, product usage insights, and real-time problem-solving.

3. Market Research & Insights Assistant:

Delve deeper into market trends and customer preferences. KorticalChat can synthesise industry reports, highlight essential takeaways, and even conduct surveys to gather user feedback.

4. Scenario-based Training Assistant for Staff:

Businesses can utilise KorticalChat to train their teams, running them through specific scenarios (like sales pitches or customer complaints), ensuring they're prepared for real-world interactions.

b. Set-up: The Chatbot Brain - Defining Purpose, Setting Parameters, Language Model and Training Data

Whether you chose a knowledge base bot or a custom bot, these are the essential elements required to set up the chatbot's "brain":

GPT Model Selection

Choose between GPT 3.5 and GPT 4. Your choice hinges on your specific chatbot objectives. If you prioritise swift interactions, GPT 3.5 might be your go-to. However, if you're looking for richer, more in-depth responses and are willing to invest more in message credits, GPT 4 is the way to go.

Choose GPT3.5 or GPT4

GPT 3.5:

GPT 4:

Chatbot Identity

Establishing a chatbot's persona will dictate how your bot communicates, reacts, and engages with users. The identity you set here is the basis for all your bot's interactions. Here are some guiding questions and tips to help you shape your chatbot's identity:

Example of prompt engineering for your brand tone of voice

Purpose and Functionality:

Tone and Style:

Level of Sophistication:

Persona Characteristics:



If you would like an assistant to help you with the prompt engineering process, here's KorticalChat's prompt generator

Support Email

While our chatbots are designed to be highly intuitive, they can't have all the answers all the time. Therefore, ensuring a smooth transition to human support becomes imperative. This email address will serve as a bridge, receiving automatically generated emails for inquiries the AI couldn't address, ensuring that no query goes unanswered.

Website URL

(if knowledge base bot is chosen):

This is the site or sites your chatbot will be trained on to provide context-aware interactions. Simply enter the URL, and KorticalChat will seamlessly scan, or "crawl," all the pages associated with your domain. Should you notice missing links, activate the "enhanced search" option — a feature designed to capture information from dynamic sites with richer content layers.

You can exclude links that you know in advance you do not want included or remove them once you see them in the window.

Once you are happy with the links, click "Train Chatbot on Links" to start the training process. 

Customise ChatGPT with your website
Let KorticalChat find all the links from your homepage

If this is not working - check if you need to whitelist our IP and get in touch if you do support@kortical.com

Model temperature

(if the custom bot is chosen)

Adjust to fine-tune your chatbot's response consistency. Set closer to 0 for direct, factual answers, and increase slightly for varied but still coherent replies. 

ChatGPT model temperature chatbot type
Set the model temperature for knowledge based bot

What is Model Temperature?
Model temperature essentially acts as a knob that controls the randomness of your chatbot's answers. At one extreme, a low temperature setting results in more focused, deterministic responses, while at the other end, a high temperature setting introduces an element of controlled unpredictability.

Why the Difference?
The difference in response style arises from the way the model processes information. A lower temperature (closer to 0) prompts the AI to lean towards the most probable and frequently seen answers. This is perfect for scenarios where precision and factual accuracy matter most.

Conversely, a higher temperature (closer to 1) encourages the AI to explore a broader range of possibilities, leading to more varied and creatively phrased responses. This can inject a conversational and dynamic flair into the interaction.

The Range: 0 to 1
The model temperature setting typically spans from 0 to 1, where 0 represents high certainty and minimal randomness, while 1 signifies higher randomness and creativity.

When to Use Lower or Higher Values:

  1. Lower Temperature (e.g., 0.2 to 0.5): This is ideal for scenarios where you need your chatbot to provide direct, factual answers. For example, a financial services chatbot providing stock prices or a medical chatbot giving dosage instructions should use a lower temperature. Users expect accuracy here, and randomness may lead to confusion.
  2. Higher Temperature (e.g., 0.7 to 1): When you want your chatbot to engage users in open-ended conversations or offer creative suggestions, a higher temperature is your choice. Think of a content recommendation chatbot that suggests movies or books based on user preferences. A touch of randomness adds an element of surprise and interest.

Striking the Balance:
The key to finding the right balance lies in aligning the chatbot's responses with your goals and user expectations. Consider the nature of your interactions. If you're aiming for a friendly, natural conversation, a slightly higher temperature might foster that. However, if accuracy and consistency are paramount, lean towards a lower value.

c. Set-up: Settings - AI Chat Name and First Message

Your AI chatbot's first impression is key, and it starts with the name and that all-important first message. It's good practice to let users know they are engaging with an AI-powered assistant, as it sets clear expectations right from the beginning. 

Name Your Chatbot: A name that ties seamlessly with your brand and purpose will be memorable. A dash of creativity can make interactions feel more personalised. 

First Message: This is your chatbot's introduction or first message. A warm and inviting first message can set the tone for the conversation, making users feel at ease from the get-go.

Start open: If you want it visible from when the page loads click this button. If you want to leave it hidden then keep it off.

Enter your chatbot name and first message - Start open for visibility

d. Set-up: Customising Chatbot Theme

Setting up the chatbot to reflect the look and feel of your brand has never been so easy. With KorticalChat, you're not confined to generic appearances. You can seamlessly add your brand logo, choose colours from preset themes, or tailor them to your exact brand hues. Whether you opt for an existing scheme or fully customise it, the process is designed to create a chatbot that's unmistakably yours. 

Choose your colours, add your logo & pop-out message

You can also add and edit the pop-out Message. This appears when the chatbot is tucked away. This pop-out message acts as a nudge, reminding users of its presence and readiness to assist.

Chatbot Pop-Out message to alert users
Change the pop-out message to let folks know the chatbot is there

e. Set-up: Deploying Your Chatbot

After setting up the chatbot brain and theme, deploying your AI chatbot is the final and exciting step. Whether you want to integrate it directly on your website or share it with colleagues as a full-screen UI, KorticalChat makes deployment a breeze.

Deploy to Your Website

Preview How It Looks - You can preview how the chatbot would look and act like on your website. Test how it answers, interact with it, and ensure it's perfect for your audience.

Preview custom ChatGPT chatbot on website
Example of your chatbot on your site before you deploy

Embed in Website - With KorticalChat, there's no need for complex coding. Just copy the provided script and insert it into your website's HTML header. It's as simple as that, and your chatbot will be live, ready to engage your visitors.

Copy and paste code to deploy the chatbot on your site

Full-screen User Interface 

If you've built a custom AI assistant, you can access it via full-screen UI just like ChatGPT. This is perfect for sharing the link with colleagues or for accessing the chatbot in a more immersive format. 

Share the full screen mode if you prefer for testing

Full screen custom ChatGPT chatbot mode
Use the full screen mode if you typically for task based chatbots

Refining & Iterating Chatbot Performance with AI Human feedback loop

Continuous improvement is the key to ensuring that your chatbot meets user expectations and consistently delivers value. We have several features in the platform to help with the AI-human feedback loop. 

Monitoring Interactions: Insights Page 

All conversation history is saved and accessible on the insights page. You can monitor how guests interact with your AI chatbot, understand the questions they're asking and assess your custom ChatGPT's responses. 

Insights from custom chatGPT chatbot
Insights to view the chats and make sure it is correct

Refining Answers with FAQs: "Chatbot Brain" section 

If you find that the chatbot's responses aren't up to par or lack specificity, the 'FAQ' section is your tool for enhancement. With the 'Easily Add FAQ' feature, you can directly input the correct or more precise answers to frequently asked questions.

This section is also beneficial for filling knowledge gaps. If users ask questions that the bot doesn't know, you can provide those answers in the FAQ.

You will find this by going to Chatbot > Choose the Chatbot to refine > Go to Chatbot Brain. It is after the fetch link section. 

Add specific answers to frequent questions

Clarity & Context

Chatbots can sometimes get tripped up if the context isn't clear. It's essential to ensure that your data, prompts, and FAQs are as clear and context-rich as possible.

If your chatbot often gets confused or provides inaccurate answers, revisit your setup. Check if the context or chatbot prompt can be enhanced for clarity.

Curate Training Data: Remove outdated links

Your AI chatbot is only as good as the data it's trained on. Periodically review and clean up the links and data sources your bot uses for training.

Remove old or outdated links. If your website has pages with obsolete information, make sure your bot doesn't reference them.

It's very easy to do that. Go to the Chatbot Brain and find the section where you have the links (after Knowledge base). Untick the boxes for those links you do not want to include in the training. 

You can also enter the URL of the link on the "Exclude URL". 

Then hit "Train Chatbot on Links" to save it. 

Exclude and untick specific links to keep the chatbot on track

Tips for Optimal Performance

Clarity is Key: Whether it's in the FAQs, prompts, or data sources, clarity ensures your chatbot understands user intent and provides accurate responses. 

Less is Sometimes More: Limiting the chatbot's training to the most relevant and updated information can often lead to better, more precise interactions


Embarking on the KorticalChat journey, you've been equipped with an AI tool and insights to create an enterprise-grade ChatGPT chatbot that’s not just a digital interface, but an extension of your brand's ethos. Whether you're using the Knowledge Base Q&A bot for direct, data-driven answers, or the more tailored custom chatbot, the power to shape meaningful user interactions is now in your hands.

Remember, creating a chatbot is as much an art as it is a science. The foundation is in the clear definition of its purpose, but the finesse comes from continuous monitoring and refinement. The 'Insights' and 'FAQ' sections are not just features but pivotal feedback loops to improve performance. Your bot, like any tool, will grow and evolve with use.

So, as you take this dive into the dynamic world of chatbots with KorticalChat, embrace the process of iteration. Stay curious, stay responsive, and you'll find that the chatbot you begin with can mature into an invaluable asset for your online presence. Dive in, and happy chatbot-building!

Get in touch

Whether you're just starting your AI journey or looking for support in improving your existing delivery capability, please reach out.

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