Exploring the Pros & Cons of an AI Chatbot

May 10, 2024

Exploring the Pros & Cons of an AI Chatbot in 2024


Gaining an Understanding: Defining AI Chatbots

An AI chatbot is an advanced computer program that simulates human interactions using artificial intelligence technologies. Chatbots have been around for years but they have been mostly rule based until the explosion of Large Language Models (LLMs). Now AI chatbots are able to understand a broad spectrum of questions and answer more accurately. 

The term "AI Chatbot" is derived from Artificial Intelligence and Chat Robot, signifying its capability to chat or converse with users in a way that mimics human-like conversation.

At Kortical we have been enabling businesses to build powerful AI models and solutions since 2016!  But with the Generative AI wave we have seen a huge increase in demand for AI chatbots and a renewed interest in building one for their business.

Here’s a quick look into what makes next-gen AI chatbots different from old school chatbots like how Intercom, Tidio and zendesk (to name a few) were originally designed, with live chat and pre-programmed responses etc.

Present-day Scenario: The Growing Importance and Prevalence of AI Chatbots in Business

In today's digital age, AI chatbots are fast becoming an essential part of online businesses. Their ability to deliver 24/7 customer service, handle multiple customer inquiries simultaneously, and their overall efficiency in improving user experience have made them increasingly popular across different industries, ranging from e-commerce and healthcare to financial services and beyond.

Advanced chatbot technology, such as the chatbot development tools provided by Kortical, enables businesses to build effective chatbot systems. These intelligent chatbot software not only streamline customer interaction but also provide insights into customer behaviour which helps to devise effective marketing strategies.

AI Agents, presented as AI chatbots are already automating full job roles. Here's a video on what AI agents are and how it automates real work.

Looking Ahead: A Quick Overview of the Blog Post

With AI chatbots becoming immensely prevalent, it's crucial for businesses and individuals to understand their significance, workings, and their future. The following sections of this blog will delve into the complex world of AI chatbots, their types, their applications in various industries, and the future of chatbots. We'll also explore how businesses, by leveraging chatbot machine learning, can transform their customer interactions and stay at the forefront of the digital race.

Moreover, the subsequent sections will discuss how the implementation of AI chatbots can lead to a more personalised chatbot system, how they harness AI for customer support using dialogue system AI, and how interactive AI bots can elevate a brand's online presence.

The Pros of AI Chatbots

Impacts on Efficiency

24/7 automated responses

In the digital-enabled world, customers expect round-the-clock service and support. And here, AI chatbots come to the rescue. The intelligent chatbot software works 24/7 without requiring human intervention. Unlike human customer service agents who work in shifts or specific office hours, chatbots are always available. Delivering seamless, consistent, and uninterrupted assistance, they enhance the customer experience and boost the brand's image.

Easy to train and multilingual

You only need to tell a chatbot once the new information and it will remember it forever.  They will deliver it in the tone of voice you set and understand the different ways it can be asked and adapt the response to the user.  They also speak 50+ languages so you can serve your customers in the language that they are most comfortable with. 

Quick and precise responses

Customer support can be time-consuming and often requires immediate attention. AI chatbots, particularly AI messaging bots or automated AI response systems, have the ability to cut down the response times drastically. They can quickly comprehend queries, find the necessary information, and provide answers based on your knowledge base or website instantly. Being a bot, it also ensures consistency and precision in the answers provided. This enhances the overall efficiency of the customer service process and leaves a positive impact on the customer's perception of the company.

Efficient handling of high customer volumes

During peak periods or due to unexpected circumstances, there can be a sudden surge in customer inquiries. Typically, customer service agents can handle only a few queries at a time, but AI chatbots can process high volumes of customer conversations simultaneously. By leveraging chatbot machine learning and AI natural language processing techniques, they can manage multiple dialogues in real-time, allowing businesses to provide consistent and effective customer service, even during peak times.

Hear directly from a KorticalChat customer, Richard, the Director of Innovator International on the power of AI chatbot for his business.

Implications for Customer Satisfaction


Using artificial intelligence conversations, AI chatbots provide a comfortable and convenient user environment. These virtual assistant chatbots guide users, simplify navigation, simplify transactions, and make sure users get all the information they need. This level of convenience enhances customer satisfaction and increases user engagement.

Consistent responses

Chatbots ensure consistency in responses, a critical factor for maintaining customer satisfaction. They are programmed to deliver consistent, error-free responses, eliminating the chances of miscommunication or misunderstanding. This can significantly enhance the customer's experience and strengthen the brand's reputation.

Personalised experience

A personalised chatbot system isn't just a concept, it's a reality. AI chatbots utilise customer data and insights for a highly-tailored user experience. They analyse and understand customer behaviour to provide personalised recommendations, suggestions, and more. This level of personalisation not only adds value to the customer's interaction but also fosters customer loyalty.

Business Advantages

Cost savings

AI chatbots offer a cost-effective solution for businesses. Investing in intelligent chatbot software reduces the need for hiring additional customer service agents, thereby resulting in significant cost savings. The advantages do not stop here; these chatbots also help to minimise the error rate, reducing the overall operational cost. As an example of real world cost savings, The Edit LDN's Shopify AI chatbot has helped reduce costs by 88% and improve customer care.

Analytical insights

AI chatbots don't just answer queries; they collect valuable user data. Through their interactions with users, they gather insights that can be used for analytical purposes. Businesses can use these insights to better understand their customers and make data-driven decisions.  This has been huge for us to make efficiencies with google ad spend as we can see those customers who are our key customer profile vs those that will never convert. 

By examining the questions users ask, AI chatbots also reveal what's missing from our website and pinpoint where our ad targeting might be off. This direct feedback from users reduces much of the guesswork in optimising our content and ad strategies.

Ease of implementation

The new wave of chatbot builders are made for business domain experts, so there is no need to hire data scientists and deveoplers to build an effective solution. For example KorticalChat was built with ease of implementation in mind.  With the ability to easily train, customise and deploy means that businesses can quickly integrate AI chatbots into their existing systems. Whether it's a website, a mobile application, or an internal system, installing a chatbot is a smooth process. This ease of implementation makes AI chatbots a practical solution for businesses across various industries and scales.

The Cons of AI Chatbots

Potential for Misunderstanding

Inaccurate processing of complex queries

One of the most scary notions is the thought that your chatbot may go rogue with your valued customers and while some models and thus chatbots can go rogue there are ways to mitigate against this. We know as we didn't want to put a chatbot live on our site that would be wrong, hateful or time wasting for the customer so we spent time working on ensuring that we put guardrails under the hood to keep the AI chatbot focused on the data it is trained on. While AI Chatbots excel at answering routine questions, complex or multi-part questions can pose a challenge for the existing AI natural language processing technologies. However, with continuous advancement in AI technology and chatbot machine learning, we can expect this gap to significantly reduce in the future. Meanwhile, while chatbots can automate 88% of the queries, it is prudent for businesses to review the chatbot weekly and maintain human customer service backup for handling these complex queries.

Misinterpretation of human language subtleties

Every human conversation is ripe with nuances, idioms, and local slang. While AI chatbots have made considerable progress in understanding language nuances, they can still stumble over certain idioms and colloquial phrases. Additionally, they may struggle with detecting sarcasm or interpreting double-meaning statements. Therefore, if you see consistent acronyms or phrases that your customers or visitors use ensuring the chatbot is fine-tuned to recognise these subtleties is crucial for avoiding misinterpretation.

Dependability Issues

Dependency on model speed

AI chatbots have different speeds depending on many variables, like quotas from the providers, how busy a region where the model is hosted, the request methodology as well as the underlying model itself for example GPT 3.5 is faster than GPT 4. Speed vs accuracy or chattiness is something to consider when setting up your chatbot. It can mean that at busy times responses take a longer time than desired so all these factors could affect the performance of the chatbot, possibly leading to delays in responses or disruption of service. Businesses must consider the patience of the user or the time requirements for processing when building their AI chatbot solution.

Limitations due to data

Chatbots are as good as the Large Language Models that they are trained with and then the data embedded into them to customise them for your needs. Although AI chatbots are designed to learn and adapt to conversations over time, their capabilities are still defined by the data that underpins these models. If some areas are missed or not well considered during the setup phase, it might affect the overall efficiency and performance of the bot, underscoring the need for thorough coding and regular updates. You can add your data RAG infrastructure and this will help augment the LLMs understanding of your domain.

Maintenance and updates

Leveraging intelligent chatbot software comes with the added responsibility of maintenance and updates. Keeping the training data up to date with regular retrains, some tools do this automatically but you may have change in processes or information that you need to include. There are new models being released so keeping on top of those and the outputs is also key. Your AI chatbot provider will probably keep you informed but it is always good to test the outputs yourself as some are fast but not so chatty, others are better with holding context over a long chat, some are cheaper etc..

The Future of AI Chatbots

The Drive toward Improving AI

Developing more advanced natural language understanding

The large language models (LLM)s are developing at a huge pace and it won't be long until they will be able to understand more context and thus be even more accurate in handling complex questions.  They will also be able to search through datasets quicker and for some that  Through AI, the aim is to push intelligent chatbot software to a stage where it can not only comprehend but also anticipate and respond to complex user queries just as effectively as humans.

Incorporating more human-like qualities

Another exciting area of progress is the drive to imbue AI chatbots with more human-like qualities. This goes beyond simply understanding and responding accurately to user commands. It involves developing chatbots that can exhibit empathy, understand sentiment, maintain context across conversations, and possess a definable personality. As such advancements are made, AI chatbots are likely to become an even more integral part of our lives and experiences with digital platforms.

Expanding functionality beyond customer service

While AI chatbots are largely associated with customer service currently, there is a global move to expand their functionality across different domains. From playing a role in environmental conservation to helping diagnose health problems, the future capabilities of AI chatbots span far beyond just answering queries. As their reach and influence continue to grow, it's safe to say chatbots will be impacting multiple industries in new and exciting ways.

Addressing the Challenges

Strengthening security measures

As more sensitive data is being managed by AI chatbots, one crucial focus area for the future will be on strengthening security measures. This involves robust encryption of chat conversations, secure data storage, and strict data sharing policies. Regular audit trails and adding layers of authentication can also ensure data safety. The objective is to take the privacy concerns into account and build AI technologies that adhere strictly to the privacy norms and data protection laws.

Refining and updating AI chatbot algorithms regularly

Another future requirement will be the continuous refinement and updating of AI chatbot algorithms. As technology and user behaviour evolve, advanced chatbot technology will need to respond and adapt to these changes. This will involve a constant learning and improvement process for the AI models. Using cutting-edge processes such as Machine Learning and Deep Learning, chatbots will become more efficient and intuitive over time.

Being relevant to your business for better accuracy

To make these powerful LLMs more relevant to your business and ensure that it follows the process that you want them to follow then applying the latest in Retrieval Augmented Generation RAG) is key. Read more detail, in this article, of how RAG unlocks the power of LLMs for AI chatbots.

Exciting Benefits on the Horizon

Seamless integration into human lives

The future of AI chatbots holds promise for a seamless integration into our daily lives. Imagine having your personal assistant chatbot help you plan your day, manage your health, navigate through complex systems, or even assist you in learning a new language. The benefits are manifold and the implications, enormous. It won't be a far-fetched statement to suggest that AI chatbots are set to revolutionise our lives in unimaginable ways.

Revolutionising customer service

As AI chatbots grow more advanced and intuitive, we can expect them to take customer service to new heights. The ability of AI chatbots to learn from interactions and deliver personalised experiences can potentially transform the customer service landscape. The focus will continue to rest on creating a more interactive AI bot experience, thereby creating a remarkable shift in the customer support industry.

Impacting multiple industries

The future of AI chatbots is not restricted to one domain. They'll continue to impact multiple industries - from healthcare, education, retail to hospitality, thus driving widespread digital transformation. As AI technology continues to evolve, chatbots will become even more capable and versatile, thus facilitating efficiency and customer satisfaction across a variety of sectors.

Recap of Key Points: Pros, Cons, and the Future of AI Chatbots

We’ve had an extensive discussion about the AI chatbots, delving into their advantages, potential challenges and the exciting future that lies ahead. While the benefits of AI chatbots are manifold, including their 24/7 availability, the rapid, consistent, and personalised responses they provide, and the invaluable analytical insights they offer, there are cons and challenges we must acknowledge. These include potential misunderstandings, reliability issues, and privacy concerns. However, these shortcomings do not diminish their potential as significant contributors to a more streamlined, efficient, and technologically advanced future and there are solutions in place to mitigate these.

It is clear that AI chatbots have immense potential to transform the way businesses interact with customers. They are poised to revolutionise customer service, ensuring faster, efficient, and personalised responses. As well as sales, internal communications, IT support and more. 

This development is not confined to businesses; AI chatbots are gradually making their way into various aspects of human lives, assisting and enhancing our day-to-day activities. The aim for the future would be to develop AI chatbots that understand complex queries, incorporate more human-like qualities, and offer functionalities beyond traditional customer service.

Parting Thoughts: AI Chatbots as a Part of Future Advancement

It's safe to say that AI chatbots are here to stay and will continue to evolve and become even more deeply integrated into our daily lives and business operations. The future of AI chatbots holds immense promise with seamless integration and nurtured advancements in tech fields such as AI for customer support, chatbot machine learning, and AI natural language processing. They promise a more efficient, technologically advanced future with their capacity to redefine customer service, provide analytical insights, and ensure accessibility around the clock.

Although they face potential challenges, these are merely bumps on the road that will be overcome with strategic planning, robust security measures, and continuous improvement of AI algorithms. As we stand on the verge of a digital future dominated by AI and advanced technologies, businesses and individuals must stay prepared to adapt, grow, and harness the potential of AI chatbots. To a future filled with intelligent conversations, personalised responses, and automated services!


Try a Premium AI Chatbot for Free 

With KorticalChat it is, easy to set-up, train, customise and deploy, with no coding required.  It is a premium chatbot builder where you can build a customer services chatbot, knowledge base bot, task automation and more for more efficiencies and scalable…

Try it for free :) If you need any help or just want to ask some questions before you try, do reach out on the contact form below. We are always happy to help you get started as that is sometimes the hardest part.

We can't wait to see what you will build! 


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