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Opening the Black Box

Machine Learning with Explainability

Dr. Alex Allan PhD
Dr. Alex Allan PhD

Co-Founder & Chief Data Scientist

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Explainable Artificial Intelligence is among the top trends that have significant disruptive potential over the next three to five years.

Gartner, 2019

In our white paper, our very own Dr. Alex Allan expands on why being able to explain any model from random forest to deep neural nets is a game changer, covering topics from GDPR to winning over senior stakeholders.

What you'll learn

1 Create better models by explaining AI
If you can’t see how a model is making a decision, it can be hard to see how to improve it.
2 Removing bias from algorithms
Companies carry a lot of reputational risk using black box models without understanding how they work
3 Stakeholder buy-in made easier
Enterprise stakeholders are generally a risk averse bunch and so unlikely to sign off on a decision making process they don’t understand
4 Complying with GDPR
Under GDPR every European citizen has the right to an explanation of any algorithm based decision.
5 How simple explaining AI models can be
Kortical can help you address all these issues in a few clicks.

AI as we know it

Currently, AI solutions fail to provide a comprehensive explanation function. And without this can results ever be trusted? Considering corporate governance, can unexplainable AI even be deployed?

This lack of "explainability" is such a serious problem that the European Union addressed it in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) mandating EU citizens have the "right to a human review" of any decisions about them that are based on an algorithm

However, workarounds are typically complex and time consuming to implement. Or worse still, incomplete limiting the choice of models and ultimately impacting the Data Scientists ability to deliver the best results.

How we can help

Our friends at Forrester estimate that AI will add over £10 trillion to the world economy by 2030.

At Kortical we enable data scientists to create top, competitive and researcher level models at a rapid pace to not only allow you to work on more important things but create better predictions for your business needs.

One feature that really stands out for us is Explainable AI and how we can open the black box to empower your business.

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