Deloitte tax automation using AI and machine learning
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NHS Blood & Transplant are working with a company called Kortical to design an AI-powered supply and demand model for every hospital in England.
It’s cutting-edge tech supporting an age-old logistical challenge.
The most common blood products have a short shelf life, in fact, platelets only last 7 days. Hospitals need a stock of blood in different blood types, antigens, collection methods and more, so they can meet the patients’ needs and ultimately save lives. Ensuring every hospital has a supply at all times, of a blood type that a patient can receive so that they don’t have to use medication to aid acceptance, while at the same time minimising platelet overstocking which could then expire, is a complex problem which involves understanding supply, manufacturing, distribution, stock holding, logistics and hospital demand.
The team at NHS Blood and Transplant wanted to test if AI could help them be more effective at predicting supply and demand with the aim to:
Having worked together on a previous successful NHSBT project where they commissioned Kortical to use our AI as a Service platform to improve the prediction of the waiting time for a kidney donation, they chose Kortical to partner with again for this project. For this we used our AI consulting army of data scientists and developers as well as our AI platform to deliver this solution.
We started by gathering the requirements with the many stakeholders that rely on accurate platelet predictions and at the same time kicked off the data governance process with the three NHS trusts. Sidenote - if you are thinking of doing any project that requires NHS trust level data then kick off that process at the very start, before you have defined anything as that process often takes months longer than you planned so the earlier the better.
The starting point for machine learning was to use the NHSBT data to predict demand for all 40 different blood products across 15 different distribution hubs: every day the ML model predicts how many platelets will be ordered by the hospitals for each blood product and each stock holding unit. This had its challenges due to some blood types being quite infrequently used in some of the smaller distribution hubs.
To link our demand forecasts to stock, we also needed to predict the supply of platelets. Supply comes from donations from the brilliant British public, which works by appointment. Most of the time appointments are adhered to, but sometimes life gets in the way. Moreover, the quantity of platelets donated varies from donor to donor. So predicting the supply, with all these factors built into the AI model is as important as understanding the demand.
Another complexity is that the NHS blood service doesn’t process platelets over the weekend so there are two days where there is no supply created so the model needs to take into account a stock build-up required to ensure full availability when there is no stock for two days.
To be effective at reducing costs we looked at the supply chain from end to end to deliver maximum results, which started with:
These steps included:
This data was then fed into the Kortical AutoML platform where our patented AI as a Service, automatically generated thousands of Machine Learning models across a range of algorithms including Deep Neural Networks and Extreme Gradient Boosting. It combined these models with automated feature creation and cleaning steps to build the best performing models for this business problem.
In this case the top model generated for demand prediction was XGBoost.
In 6 months we went from data to an AI powered app that delivers exceptional results:
Turning the AI / ML models ready for production was made easy using the Kortical Cloud API as the code is hosted for the models and displays the UI.
The Cloud API hosts the code, managing the app for scale, failover, redundancy, making building cloud based AI apps / microservices very straightforward.
The easy to use dashboard enables the NHS BT team to eliminate the systems and spreadsheets that they had built on top of their current software to cope with the complexity of platelet demand forecasting and have a view that all relevant stakeholders can see at the same time and collaborate with where required.
Whether you're just starting your AI journey or looking for support in improving your existing delivery capability, please reach out.
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